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Re: [ot] What percentage of the Internet is written in English?

  • Subject: Re: [ot] What percentage of the Internet is written in English?
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2006 11:16:18 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: schestowitz.com / Netscape
  • References: <NJSdnZ88Ga407RHYnZ2dnUVZ_h63nZ2d@speakeasy.net> <slrneoot0o.fgo.jason@jason.websterscafe.com> <39b764-h17.ln1@ellandroad.demon.co.uk>
  • Reply-to: newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
__/ [ Mark Kent ] on Tuesday 26 December 2006 10:48 \__

> begin  oe_protect.scr
> Handover Phist <jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> On 2006-12-22, John Bailo <jabailo@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> http://www.englishenglish.com/english_facts_8.htm
>>> "More than 80% of home pages on the Web are in English, while the next
>>> greatest, German, has only 4.5% and Japanese 3.1%"
>> And this is surprising? The Internet was developed in a primarily
>> English speaking country and adopted in primarily English speaking
>> countries before it got bigger than huge.
> The web was invented by an Englishman, it's true, but he was working at
> Cern at the time.
> If you look at internet adoption, I think you'll find that it had been
> adopted in many non-English speaking countries long before the web was
> invented, *but*, look a little deeper and consider this: The internet
> runs on the telecoms network.  The telecoms network provided *global*
> connectivity before the internet even existed.

It's intersting to discover the different version of every story (milestones
in particular), each adopted by a different person/company/nation for self
glorification. Often this involves changing definitions, so it becomes a
subtle verbal 'game'.

Examples from just one side:

-Manchester was the first place which brought Linux (distribution) to the
-The (programmable) computer was invented in Manchester...
-The concepts behind the computer (assuming Turing machines) were developed
in Manchester...

> The dominance of English is a result of a British empire followed by a
> Yank empire - just follow the money...

                        ~~ Kind greetings and happy holidays!

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