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Re: Unbelievable ...

__/ [ Richard Rasker ] on Thursday 21 December 2006 21:29 \__

> Op Thu, 21 Dec 2006 20:28:54 +0000, schreef Roy Schestowitz:
>> __/ [ Richard Rasker ] on Thursday 21 December 2006 20:14 \__
> [snip D-Link cluelessness]
>> Heh. Don't believe it 'till you see it. This afternoon a friend of mine
>> sent this latest weird discovery.
>> http://johnbokma.com/mexit/2006/12/11/xara-xtreme-pro-crippled.html
>> You can only draw if you have sufficient rights
>> 'A vector drawing program that requires Administrator rights to even make
>> a simple drawing, would you call that Xtreme? Well Xara LTD seems to have
>> no problem at all releasing such software, and even call it "Xtreme Pro".'
> Apart from this insanity there's one line that especially drew my
> attention:
>  "when I read the new features ... I couldn't resist and paid by credit
>   card for an update hoping that this issue got finally fixed in the Pro
>   version of Xara Xtreme."
> That's the typical way of Windows users: whip out the old credit card and
> pay for an upgrade in the - usually vain - hope that some major problem
> has been fixed. And they're disappointed *every* *single* *time*. Yet
> still they keep paying for upgrades, hoping that their problems /will/ be
> fixed this time round. No go, of course.
> No compare this to my experience with Kino, a very nice, simple video
> editor, and the Kino mailing list. Dan Dennedy is one of the main
> contributors of Kino. This is what happened when I ran into some annoying
> issues (shortened :
> [Dec 02, 20:18] Me: "Um, I want to export DV to my DVD/HD recorder, but
>    Kino only exports to devices which send back AV/Control information (DV
>    cams). Can this be fixed?" (Shortened interpretation for brevity.)
> [Dec 03, 01:36] Dan Dennedy: "OK, I understand. Currently, when using
>    iec61883/raw1394, Kino assumes that if it can not identify an AV/C
>    device, then there is nothing to send to or capture from. Well,
>    actually, it uses the selected device to identify which firewire
>    controller interface to use (more than one is not uncommon nowadays).
>    However, I think it would be a good fallback to try to just use first
>    interface. I applied this change to CVS as of ChangeLog,v 1.284.
>    Please try it."
> So I want some handy feature, and hey presto! Less than six hours after I
> ask for it I have it! And this is by no means the first time this sort of
> thing happened.
> I really feel sorry for all those suckers paying in vain for crappy
> commercial rubbish (and over and over again, for that matter), hoping that
> this time, things will finally get better - yet they never do.
>> I keep telling his to migrate to Linux. He was on the verge of picking
>> Ubuntu. He used to do a lot of RISCOS and GNU.
> Perhaps showing him this little wonderful eXPerience of mine may help
> drag him across the threshold.

Well, it's interesting that you mention this. At least once in the past John
was in a situation similar to yours and his feature request (can't recall
which piece of software, but he spoke to the developer) resulted in an
improvement. Actually, I can't recall if it was Xara before it went
non-/less commercial. I believe it was Dutch (??), Like Blender 3D... and

                        ~~ Kind greetings and happy holidays!

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    (S)oftware (U)nd (S)ystem(E)ntwicklung
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