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Re: [News] Autodesk Sues to Keep Lockins

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Autodesk Suing to Keep Format Closed
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | "AutoCAD is by far the industry standard CAD tool for engineering
> | drawings. When I was an engineering student it was on every computer in
> | the college of engineering. Autodesk, the makers of the AutoCAD
> | software, are attempting to quash an effort to reverse-engineer the
> | proprietary binary format used by AutoCAD.
> `----
> http://developers.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/12/20/1348205&from=rss
> Yesterday I read about Autodesk giving free copies to student. Surely,
> they want them to be locked in. Maybe an ODF Alliance equivalent would be
> suitable here.

I think Autocad$ is going the same way as micoshaft.
They got their paws into everything that is engineering and now
they don't want to share it.
The quicker the open source movement moves everything to non-proprietory
formats, the quicker the whole world of machine tools, CAD and engineering
will bloom once again.

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