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Re: [News] Linux Outpaces Microsoft

Snit wrote:

> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> stated in post
> 2147506.9gSF99VTll@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on 12/20/06 11:34 PM:
>> Will 2007 be the year of Leopard, Linux or Vista?
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | More interestingly, the Linux world itself is moving past the point
>> | of adolescent growing pains to gain a confidence of its own. Whilst
>> | much work has been focused on providing a stable secure platform (hence
>> | it's rapid adoption rate in the server market), recent focus has been
>> | on getting Linux onto the desktop. The introductions of rapidly
>> | growing distributions like Ubuntu have seen dramatic but quite
>> | adoption of Linux on the desktop in the last few years.
>> | 
>> | Linux has mapped the improvements of Macintosh and Windows in a
>> | limited manner. Though this year has seen a dramatic focus on the user
>> | rather than the IT manager. Distributions of Linux are moving
>> | out of the domain of the techie and increasingly becoming easier
>> | for end users to install without help or detailed technical knowledge.
>> | 
>> | More importantly though, Linux distributions will match the
>> | glass-like look and feel of Vista and Macintosh with new
>> | releases around the first quarter of 2007. At the same time,
>> | the rate at which Linux is improving usability is likely to
>> | outpace Microsoft and catch up with Apple.
>> `----
>> http://www.invbiznews.com/wordpress
>> vista/
> Good to see a number of things:
> * An acknowledgement that OS X is currently ahead in "usability" compared
>   to both Windows and Linux
> * An understanding that Linux can and is improving in these areas

Dude you are wrong there.
OSex is crap.
And its proprietory, and you have to pay money for it.

I get better and more advanced user interface out of Linux distros.
They are customizable and more variety to suit jobs in hand.
Also, you get the source code to do things the way you want it,
and not get sued for it unlike appil suing BSD developers.

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