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Re: Exactly why do I need Vista again?

  • Subject: Re: Exactly why do I need Vista again?
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 05:11:44 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: schestowitz.com / MCC / Manchester University
  • References: <znygl6obmt61$.dlg@winxp02.ziggynet> <pan.2006.>
  • Reply-to: newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
__/ [Liam Slider] on Tuesday 21 February 2006 03:00 \__

> On Mon, 20 Feb 2006 21:38:34 -0500, Tattoo Vampire wrote:
>> A pretty interface? KDE suits my needs just fine, although Enlightenment
>> looks enticing.
> And really, I don't think Vista really offers anything new in the GUI
> front that can't be had under Linux.

Don't forget XGL, Metisse, 3-D desktop and astounding visual effects in KDE
3.4 (or later). Some such projects have been around for many years. They do
not get the same /exposure/, however, if one compares them with OSX eye

>> Better security? I've had that for quite some time, under Linux.
> Definately, and I don't really have high expectations for Vista in this
> regard anyway.

Vista makes promises with regards to security only because it /can/. Vista
has not hit the market yet. Does anyone still remember Nomad, the
command-line tool which was bound to arrive with Vista? Even before it was
released, an Austrian guy had discovered a serious vulnerability in it.
Monad's inclusion was postponed and its inclusion in Vista was conceded.

More to bear in mind: XP Service Pack III is due around 2007. Longhorn
reached a dead end and suffered an avalanche that had it fall back to the
code base of Windows XP Server 2003. This happened less than a year ago.


     REDMOND, Wash. ? Jim Allchin, a senior Microsoft Corp. executive, walked
into Bill Gates's office here one day in July last year to deliver a
bombshell about the next generation of Microsoft Windows.

    "It's not going to work," Mr. Allchin says he told the Microsoft
chairman. The new version, code-named Longhorn, was so complex its writers
would never be able to make it run properly.

    The news got even worse: Longhorn was irredeemable because Microsoft
engineers were building it just as they had always built software.
Throughout its history, Microsoft had let thousands of programmers each
produce their own piece of computer code, then stitched it together into one
sprawling program. Now, Mr. Allchin argued, the jig was up. Microsoft needed
to start over.

>> Sidebar and gadgets? Uhhh.... Superkaramba has been around for a while
>> now.
> Yup. Again...nothing new.

Apart from the lipstick!

>> IE7? I've already got tabbed browsing with Firefox and Opera.
> Again, Microsoft "innovating" things which we've had for years now.

Firefox offers many plug-ins (=functionality), which Redmond could never
boast given their closed-source development model.

>> One dedicated app for updates? Synaptic works admirably for me.
> URPMI for me, although I could easily use apt, or one of the new package
> management systems that are coming out. So...yeah, Microsoft being rather
> dull again.

Installation in Windows has always been a breeze. You just point Internet
Explorer at the right URL. It takes care of the rest.

>> Enhanced user account protection? I've had that for years.
> Just Microsoft trying to play catchup to *nix.

This was mentioned many times before.

>> Exactly why do I need Vista again????
> No idea. I know I don't need to buy into Microsoft's poor,
> half-assed attempt to play catchup to Linux/Unix...when I already have
> that.


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