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Re: Website jumping back and forward in Google

__/ [ Paul B ] on Wednesday 22 February 2006 14:01 \__

> On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 13:50:25 GMT, Big Bill <kruse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>>On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 12:23:43 +0000, Roy Schestowitz
>><newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>__/ [ christian9997@xxxxxxxxxxx ] on Wednesday 22 February 2006 12:10 \__
>>>> I don't get it.
>>>> For a certain term my website appears on the first page in the
>>>> afternoon but then jumps back to the third page on the next
>>>> morning...and this happens every day.
>>>> I thought it would stop jumping after the PR update (that happened
>>>> yesterday) but it's done it again today.
>>>> Why is it doing this?
>>>The PageRank update is definitely unfinished, as yet. Wait a while longer,
>>>but also bear in mind that results pages are not directly affected by or
>>>related to updates of the toolbar PageRank indicator. It may be just an
>>>unfortunate coincidence.
>>>Hope it helps,
>>>PS - Please quote when replying.
>>Roy it would perhaps be a help if we had a FAQ of the kind that other
>>groups have, not like Will's existing one, but one where we can advise
>>on group etiquette and so forth.

I think this would be pointless . It's hit-and-run posters who are usually
the cause for clutter and disorder.

>>You're good at this kind of thing...

*blush* I don't believe this to be the case. Some months ago I summoned the
nerve to make kind reminders and always read message headers before replying
to strangers.

> And may be include links to things like mcdar etc ?

If we posted all the links and tips, we would be out of work. *giggle*

> A list of things to do and not to do would also help others. It will
> also reduce repeat posts on subjects.
> my 2c (approx. 1p)
> plh
> Paul

How about the Wiki? No-one ever bothered to extend:


Such pages can be mirrored in the contributer's site without any apparent
problems. That could become valuable content. In fact, how about I register
a domain that all regulars are administers of (with full privileges)? I
could set up a Wiki. That's the way the WordPress Codex works:


With kind regards,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    It is no longer uncommon to be uncommon
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