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Re: Opinions on new PDA please

__/ [ Pat O'Halloran ] on Thursday 23 February 2006 20:24 \__

> Hi
> I as planning on buying a new PDA and looking at the T5, I've not kept
> up with the news and found that the T5 is almost unavailable with
> nothing similar to replace it. TheTX doesn't have the same amount of
> space so I looked at the Lifedrive, but reviews say this won't
> synchronize the files with a Mac.
> So, has anyone any suggestions as to what to buy, should I move away
> from Palm altogether. Does anyone know of anything exciting on the
> horizon?
> Thanks in advance for your comments.

You should be eying a /few/ things:

-PalmSource have moved to Linux. Great things will come your way in due time.
Also see:


Many GTK applications from Linux will be available for Palm, for free (GPL).

-Have a look at the Nokia 770. I don't know your particular needs, but the
Nokia 770 is extremely high in terms of demand.

-Remember that offerings from Microsoft will attempt to lock your data. Be
very careful. Windows on the desktop is on its way out. On the server front,
the only platform which rapidly grows is Linux, at the expense of UNIX and
Windows. Look at the /long/ term.

Hope it helps and best wishes,


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