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Re: How to import mail into the Palm

__/ [SG] on Friday 06 January 2006 14:31 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [SG] on Tuesday 27 December 2005 15:48 \__
>> > Is there any way to get the inbox mail on my computer into my Palm TX?
>> > I'm using The Missing Link, Entourage Office 2004, Mac.
>> >
>> > Thanks!
>> >
>> > Sandra
>> I  am assuming you want to move all your mail to your Palm. It is very un-
>> likely that you can do that, but what software do you use for mail on your
>> handheld?  Grafting  data  from  the Mac (e.g. MBOX  or  proprietary  mail
>> archives),  then  translating it to something that Palm 'understands'  re-
>> quires a convertor, which I believe does not exist (yet).
>> At second thought, are you trying to move entire archives or merely set up
>> a  conduit that will get what is in your inbox 'shipped' over to the hand-
>> held? If the latter, then it may be possible. Have you got mail synchroni-
>> sation  options  in HotSync manager. If so, what do they support?  I  know
>> that  Thunderbird can be synchronised with even the old models from  Palm.
>> Thunderbird  is  available for the Mac and is, in my opinion, better  than
>> Entourage.
>> Roy
> I'm using Missing Sync and Entourage. I notice on Missing Sync, under
> "import" that inbox mail is configured to go onto a SD card. I suspect
> that's what I need.

What mail program are you using on the Palm? I suspect that if it runs on the
main memory, it will expect inbox data to reside in main memory as well. I
don't happen to use a Mac as my synchronisation platform and it seems as if
messing about with the menu option is the best one can do.

The other possibility is to identify the file which holds your inbox data and
synchronise it as a plain-text object with your handheld. This is far from
ideal, of course.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Y |-(1^2)|^(1/2)+1 K
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