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Re: A Busy Computer is a Happy Computer

__/ [Guy Macon] on Sunday 08 January 2006 12:31 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>SETI just burns energy in vain in my humble opinion.
> I suggest joining the Optimal Golomb Ruler project.
> We know that OGRs are useful.  <http://www.distributed.net/ogr/>

Doesn't that lead to greater pollution? Think about it, all that electricity
that is consumed to barely contribute anything. It's as valuable as
calculating pi at good levels of accuracy or finding large prime numbers.

The ones to get the fame are those who conduct the experiments, which rarely
benefit humanity. They may, however, make nice titles in some journal covers
and inspire youths to join the scientific domain. NASA is sometimes often
exception, but some of their discoveries have tremendous impact through
proof and disproof of hypotheses and theories.


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