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__/ [Charles U] on Friday 13 January 2006 17:11 \__

> I have submitted my website www.CharlesUnderwood.biz multiple times
> over the last 4 months to Google but they just will not add to their
> search engine.  Yahoo & MSN and even Froogle list us but not Google.
> They don't have a problem finding us when we pay for Adwords pay per
> click.  HMMM, is there somthing I am missing ?  Would really appreciate
> some expert advice. Thanks Charles U

You need incoming links. Submissions are worthless and most likely get
discarded. Any porn, pills, gambling and warez site can attempt a
submission. Should that warrent crawling and indexing?

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Signature pending approval"
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      http://iuron.com - next generation of search paradigms

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