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Re: Google placement for term Wedding Music

__/ [mcaldwell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] on Saturday 14 January 2006 21:28 \__

> I apologize if this isn't considered an appropriate posting, but i'm at
> wits end. I can't figure out why our wedding music page
> http://www.gigmasters.com/weddings/ isn't listed higher for the term
> 'wedding music'. I realize this is a competive phrase but we are on the
> 5th page of results while so many other less relevant and much lower
> page ranked sites with no back links are listed higher.

I see you at 49th at the moment. Looking at some other sites, I agree with
your observation. However:

-Your  page title uses a large variety of terms that obfuscate the  phrase
which you aim for and thus lower its value.

-In  Google, I see 3,370 links pointing to the URL above. In Yahoo, 46,000
links  get counted. I notice that many of them come from the same  domain,
which  is  probably within your command. Have you considered changing  the
anchor  text on these links to reflect on results pages of choice? With so
many  links,  you have the power to conquer many phrases, if only you  set
your mind to it.

> Constrast that
> to the phrase 'Wedding Entertainment' where we come up on the first
> page of results. Any ideas? We would certainly be willing to pay for
> answers.  -Mike

I  notice anchor text like "Wedding Singer" and "Wedding Band". I  suggest
you  have more inbound links which contain the text "wedding music" to im-
prove your presence in that 'domain'.

Hope it helps,


Roy S. Schestowitz
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