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Re: ~article~ Google to search for focus

__/ [ Paul ] on Monday 03 July 2006 10:51 \__

> from : http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/5140066.stm
> Online search is not a "solved problem", a senior executive for net
> giant Google has told BBC News.
> "Our position is that search is a very hard problem. We have still a
> lot of work to do," said Douglas Merrill, who looks after internal
> engineering.

Subject line modified. *smile*

Google is in a tough position. Even with the world's top search engine,
another company can play dirty tricks to subvert the rules and channel user
though search bars and disinformation. Google is liaising with companies
(Mozilla, Dell, etc.) and expanding its product range to make it harder for
that other company to cheat.

Best wishes,


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