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Re: [News] Massachusetts' ODF Move "Irreversible"

__/ [ Gordon ] on Wednesday 05 July 2006 15:06 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Mass. holding tight to OpenDocument
> I cannot understand the attitude of MS and its paid lackeys over this -
> surely all they have to do is to give MS Office ODF support, instead of
> conducting a campaign of subterfuge, misinformation  and disinformation

Politics and industry are entwined. People in governments have friends in the
industry, so nothing is independent.

What you should do is ask Microsoft engineers and managers why they are too
proud to incorporate the OpenDocument plug. They don't even need to make it
the default format. It can be just "yet another option". Office is bloated
/already/, so no excuse /there/...

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Windows: backward-compatible, even for viruses
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