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Re: New member of ODF Alliance

__/ [ B Gruff ] on Saturday 08 July 2006 14:14 \__

> http://www.odfalliance.org/about.php
> Thanks to PJ, just noticed the good news for messrs Gates and Balmer - some
> new smallupstart company has joined the ODF Alliance, "Google inc".  I
> wonder if they've heard of them?

Much to surfers' misfortune, Google has been interpreting and indexing Office
file types for quite some time. In their defence, the files also were
stripped down to generate HTML-formatted equivalents.

All in all, I have always thought it would encourage people to make their
proprietary-formatted files available on-line, rather than serve the Web in
its Open context. Essentially, this makes the Web what Microsoft could have
turned it into if it weren't for TimBL and Netscape /et al/. Luckily, Gates
also said in 1993 that he was not interested in the Internet. So the Net is
in safer hands when dominated by Google. It's too late to pull a Netscape on
them, even with Vista search bars and preloaded integration with MSN

Best wishes,


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