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[News] CNN: Novell looks to Linux for a lifeline

Via Business 2.0

,----[ Quote ]
| In July, the company plans to release both Suse Linux EnterpriseServer
| 10 and Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop 10, versions of the Linux operating
| system designed for corporate computing - an area that has seen
| little adoption of the open-source operating system to date.
| [...]
| "Our friends in Redmond have done us a favor," says Jaffe, pointing
| to announced delays in the availability of Microsoft's new Windows
| Vista operating system. Vista isn't expected to land until January
| 2007, while Novell's Code Ten versions of Linux are expected this
| July, giving Novell a six-month head start.
| [...]
| And Microsoft continues to suffer from security woes: Windows Vista, long
| before its official release, has already had to have a security patch
| issued to fix bugs that hackers could exploit. That's another selling
| point for Linux.


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