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Re: [News] Mac OS x Fired, Linux the Better Choice

__/ [ Tim Smith ] on Friday 02 June 2006 09:25 \__

> In article <1452780.kfZW3igRin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> All he has to do for that is bring up the Preferences for Finder, and
>>> uncheck the box that says to show hard disks on the desktop.
>> Okay. All journeys begin with one step that ends at a mile. So, how many
>> /more/ things need the author discover (or realise do not exist) in Mac OS
>> X? He has a long list and you addressed just one rant (no complaints, with
>> all due respect).
> I addressed that one because it was so ridiculous.  It would be about the
> same as if someone wrote on article on why they are dumping SuSE, and
> listed
> as one of the points that they don't like the desktop background.  It's
> perfectly legitimate to not like the SuSE background, or to even hate it.

True. The obsessions with reptiles and toads never appealed to me. This
particular point is valid.

> However, it is so trivial to change, and so easy to figure out how to
> change it, that on the list of annoyances it is so far down (even if you
> hate it) that it doesn't belong on any written list of reasons to switch.
> Hell, most Linux desktops have icons on them by default, so even on Linux,
> he's going to have to do a little fiddling.
> So, that's why I commented on that one.  It was such a ludicrous point to
> include in his list.  He had several decent points on the list, so this one
> was especially out of place.

It would be intersting to see how you could contradict other pet peeves and
how convincing these rebuttals would be. To me, the unavailability of
software 'ouf of the box' makes OS X deficient by design. I don't even know
if they pre-package Firefox nowadays. Many users are channelled to
proprietary software, which uses off data formats, potentially leading to
lockins and dependence on commercial apps. But that's probably what they

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz
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