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Re: [News] Mac OS x Fired, Linux the Better Choice

__/ [ William Poaster ] on Friday 02 June 2006 17:02 \__

> On Fri, 02 Jun 2006 10:03:22 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> <snip>
>>To me, the unavailability
>> of software 'ouf of the box' makes OS X deficient by design. I don't
>> even know if they pre-package Firefox nowadays. Many users are
>> channelled to proprietary software, which uses off data formats,
>> potentially leading to lockins and dependence on commercial apps. But
>> that's probably what they want..
> Another thing, what about the MAC licenses? At least linux allows me to
> install it on as many machines as I like, not so with a MAC it seems:-
> "This License allows you to install and use one copy of the Apple Software
> on a single Apple-labeled computer at a time. This License does not allow
> the Apple Software to exist on more than one computer at a time,and you
> may not make the Apple Software available over a network where it could be
> used by multiple computers at the same time."
> http://store.apple.com/Catalog/US/Images/MacOSX.htm

>From GNU:

,----[ Quote ]
| "We support the FSF's mission to preserve, protect and promote the freedom
| to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute computer software, and to
| defend the rights of Free Software users."

Apple Software:

        * Can use

        * Cannot study (source code unavialble)

        * Cannot copy, as indicated above

        * Cannot modify

        * Definitely cannot redistribute

What do I get with Apple? 1 ouf of 5 (6 if you count "free an in free beer").
No, thank you, Steve.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz
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