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Re: The Words of a DRM Idiot

__/ [ Mark Kent ] on Friday 02 June 2006 10:31 \__

> begin  oe_protect.scr
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> __/ [ nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ] on Wednesday 31 May 2006 20:58 \__
>>> I don't know anything about this columnist, but his general trend
>>> (acknowlege the virtues of some things in the FOSS world, then proceed
>>> with gross exaggeration and distortion) certainly follows recent
>>> Microsoft propaganda.  Plus you know that MS wants to use the recent
>>> demonstrations against DRM to paint the FOSS world as a bunch of
>>> extremists.  So I'm sure MS is happy with this guy even if they aren't
>>> paying him.  Admittedly Stallman is an easy target.
>>> Personally I suspect that the world will never be completely locked in
>>> by DRM schemes, since there are too many technical ways around it and
>>> the world is too big (too many different countries with different laws
>>> etc).  It will, however, be an obnoxious feature in our lives for some
>>> time to come.
>> ...Not in my life. You see, the 'pleasant' *cough* thing about DRM is that
>> rarely can 'they' enforce it upon you. Data accessible only through DRM?
>> No problem. I'll take my business elsewhere. My data is unshackles as
>> well, which saves me money and grants me freedom (of choice as well as
>> price).
>> The exception might be family and friend, whom you are hoping to help and
>> sometimes rely on.
> I tend to agree here - the best protection against DRM is to avoid it.
> As we all know, however, the great public just don't think about these
> things at all, and I think, to a great extent, they won't until they
> have a problem later.  It's an inability or a refusal to consider the
> longer-term consequences of what they're doing.
Not many people whom I know have a complete trail of E-mail archives, going
back to the very dawn. While some might argue that they don't care, others
will admit that they should have taken backup more seriously and/or avoided
vendor lockin.

Best wishes,


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