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Re: restoring from a backup

__/ [ Mathew P. ] on Saturday 03 June 2006 23:45 \__

> Hi all
> I know this isn't a tech forum, but perhaps I could get a few
> (hopefully) simple questions answered. On the basis of
> murphy's law, (or is it Achems razor?), I have regularly been
> backing up my home directory (just my user account without the
> whole /home tree) onto a DVD-R. If the worst should happen, and
> my home directory gets hosed, how would I restore it from backup?
> would I create a new account for myself and copy all the files from
> the backup? If so, how would the backup file permissions fit
> properly into the new account? I am using K3b to make the backup.
> Question: do all my files get burned in the backup, or does
> it ignore the hidden files? if the latter is the case, how to
> correct it?
> Regards,
> Mathew

Hi Mathew,

The wildcards you are after should be:

~/* ~/.[0-z]*

This would cover your entire home directory. If you make a remote backup
(much safer than locally duplicating content, owing to disasters or HDD

scp -r ~/.[0-z]* ~/*  mathew@OTHER_HOST_NAME:/home/mathew/backup-`date

or even more usefully (although you remain with deprecated files)

nice rsync -r ~/.[0-z]* ~/*  mathew@OTHER_HOST_NAME:/home/mathew/backup-`date

Also, for full 'ghosting' (Norton terminology): man dd

If you replicate your home directory locally, log in as root and:

cp /home/mathew/* /home/backup     # create that account first
cp /home/mathew/.[0-z]* /home/backup
chown -R mathew /home/backup

I haven't tested any of this (just typing as I go along), but I hope you can
get it into a workign state.

You could use GUI's to achieve all of the above, but I suppose what you want
is a repetitive task, so should be scriptable.

Hope it helps,


Roy S. Schestowitz 
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