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Re: [News] Unisys and Linux Continue a New Loveaffair

__/ [ Stuart Krivis ] on Tuesday 06 June 2006 19:26 \__

> On Mon, 05 Jun 2006 19:17:03 +0100, Roy Schestowitz
> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>Unisys Announces Open Source ''Oasis'' in Enterprise Computing Landscape;
>>Integrated software stack, focused consulting services, optimized platforms
>>and vertical solutions help clients realize full business value of open
>>,----[ Quote ]
>>| Solutions for rapid migration to an open source platform, which
>>| include tooling, services and methodology for moving databases and
>>| application servers from costly UNIX and RISC environments to Linux
>>| and Intel-based systems.
> I guess Unisys wasn't able to compete in the UNIX and RISC
> environments, so they're going to give this a shot.

To roughly quote Unisys (as proclaimed a couple of months back):

        "open source software set to have a similar impact as the Internet"

[sarcasm type="timely" /] Well, I sure hope that Linux and Open Source will
remain neutral.

> Think they'll open up the GIF format? Nah, they're just blowing smoke
> up everyone's xxx with all the open source talk.

The world is already moving to PNG. Now, if only bloody Windows (and Internet
Explorer) supported it properly, like the rest of the world...

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Community is code, code is community
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