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Re: [News] Will the Release of Windows Vista be Further Delayed?

__/ [ Mark Kent ] on Friday 30 June 2006 14:49 \__

> begin  oe_protect.scr
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> __/ [ Mark Kent ] on Friday 30 June 2006 11:21 \__
>>> begin  oe_protect.scr
>>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>> Older news:
>>>> Windows Vista Buggy, Testers Say
>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>>| Corporate customers testing an unfinished version of the PC operating
>>>>| system complain that it's too large, slow and memory hungry, according
>>>>| to surveys by ChangeWave Research.
>>>>| Testers say the software is super buggy, which raises questions about
>>>>| whether Microsoft can meet its current schedule.
>>>> `----
>>> But which version of Windows were they testing?
>> From the article above:
>> ,----[ Snippet ]
>>| On June 7, Microsoft released to the public the latest test version of
>>| the product, called Windows Vista Beta 2. Some other early reviews also
>>| have been unkind.
>> `----
> Roy - sorry - should've explained - it was an attempt at a subtle joke,
> although clearly it didn't work!

The question was a fair and valid one, so without some subtle hint, I would
have never guessed. And, yes, I know about these excuses... something along
the lines of "It's Only a Beta" and "The Final Version Will Fix Everything".
I also see that in Digg.com (the comments, that is). It's like those
spoilsports who say "I could have done better" or "it's just a bad day for

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Bring home the world cup, England!
http://Schestowitz.com  |    SuSE Linux     ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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