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Re: Auto (re-)start

__/ [ roN ] on Saturday 04 March 2006 20:52 \__

> Hi,
> I'm using skype, and to avoid sound problems from diffrent applications,
> I'm launching it by the command: 'artsdsp -m /usr/bin/skype'. After that
> it's running in the systemtray and when I close KDE and reboot to KDE, it
> is started again but not with the artsdsp-option.... is there a way to
> re-launch every application again with the command it was initially
> launched? Thank you!

What you could try (just *try*) is the following:

alias /usr/bin/skype='artsdsp -m /usr/bin/skype'

I am not entirely sure if this would work. In principle, any call for Skype,
which assumes this very specific invocation 'structure' will be exchanged
with the command that you prefer. To make that alias persist between
sessions (reboots), add the line above to ~/.bashrc in your home directory,
but in order to prevent re-definition of the alias every time you open a
terminal, add it to /etc/profile.local instead. I suspect that you will need
to log in as root.

Hope it helps,


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