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Re: [OT] Google now useless?

__/ [ Paul Hovnanian P.E. ] on Wednesday 08 March 2006 22:40 \__

> mlw wrote:
>> Lately, I have been noticing that google results are becoming less and
>> less usable.
>> Now, when I try to search for information that may also be a product that
>> is currently for sale, the top few pages of google results are people
>> selling what it is I'm looking for.
>> Take this query:
>> logitech quickcam resolution
>> All I get are places trying to sell me a quickcam.
> Try "logitech quickcam specifications".
> "Resolution" is a term that is likely to appear in advertising copy.

Be sure that sellers take advantage of some so-called 'articles' and snatch
such search phrases or SERP's (search engine results pages) as well. The
commercial dominance is truly an issue sometimes. Yahoo News and Google News
suffer from the same issue, but Google has always been worse in that

Best wishes,


PS - I use Wikipedia for anything that can be contained in an article. Google
is good information that is not broad, but is rather difficult to get at.
Google digs very deep.

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