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Re: Gates Mocks $100 Linux Laptop

__/ [ B Gruff ] on Thursday 16 March 2006 13:47 \__

> On Thursday 16 March 2006 06:09 Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> All news from the past 10 hours.
> I must admit, I don't go a bomb on the concept, but Bill Gates is really
> something else, isn't he?
> Try this:-
> http://yahoo.reuters.com/stocks/QuoteCompanyNewsArticle.aspx?stor ...
> yID=urn:newsml:reuters.com:20060316:MTFH13556_2006-03-16_00-57-20_N1 ...
> 5248895&symbol=MSFT.O&rpc=44
> "The last thing you want to do for a shared use computer...." (The project
> describes itself as "One laptop perchild") "is have it be something without
> a disk ... and with a tiny little screen". (He had just come from
> demonstrating a new "ultra-mobile computer" which runs Microsoft Windows on
> a seven-inch touch screen - and which is expected to sell for $600 to $1000
> a pop)

That  ultra-mobile computer from Microsoft needs Wi-Fi (maybe Bluetooth or
GPS are a possibility too), so what gives?

Someone  from  MIT (over at the SEO newsgroup) has just told me  that  the
main power and selling point of the $100 laptop is that the units act like
a  peer-to-peer  network, which unlike most mobile computers, is  reliable
and  inexpensive.  That's how an Internet connection can be  obtained  and
maintained in underdeveloped places. Gates is bitter, jealous and worried,
so he pulls out a gadget that could never truly make it.

Just thought it was worth pointing out.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Software patents destroy innovation
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