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Re: Microsoft's Mind-Boggling Statement

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Roy Schestowitz
on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 18:23:14 +0000
> Microsoft: We?ve been into open source for years
> http://computerworld.co.nz/news.nsf/0/D01724835A4599D1CC25712D001259C2?OpenDocument

They did take some source code for the BSD TCP/IP stack,
and there was at least one tool ( it wasn't all that major
a tool, but I don't remember the name; it had something
to do with XML) that they released into Open Source.

So yeah, Microsoft is a major player in open source.  :-)
Sort of.  One has to squint.

> ,----[ Quote ]
> | After listening to Microsoft?s Bill Hilf, one delegate at the
> | recent government IT managers' forum, Govis, was heard to say,
> | "You'd almost believe Microsoft was the leading supporter of
> | open source software."
> `----

FSVO "open", I guess. :-)

#191, ewill3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Windows Vista.  Because everyone wants a really slick-looking 8-sided wheel.

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