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Re: Advocacy in action!

__/ [ Gordon ] on Wednesday 22 March 2006 18:13 \__

> (Well only a small bit, but from tiny acorns mighty oak trees grow....)
> Poster on the XP group asked the usual question "can I install the same
> copy of XP on 5 machines?" Correct answer "No you can't".
> So I gave him the Ubuntu website and he's going to have a look!
> Yeeehay!!!!!!

If the person has never used Ubuntu (or Linux for that matter) in the past, a
dual-boot would have been a better route. People cannot migrate overnight.
They want to; they truly believe they can, but it's impulsive. Data
migration and customisation may take a while. That said, if the person in
question still had a /single/ XP licence, then /ALL/ is fine.

Great advocacy job, Gordon. I have given out Ubuntu CD's myself (while at
work). Usually, it was frustrated customers who were fed up with Windows and
its plethora of problems (not just security).

Best wishes,


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