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Micrsooft Employees Ashamed of Vista


Supposedly all from Microsoft employees:

,----[ Large Snippet ]
| [...]
| ? Being a 10+ year [Microsoft] vet I feel ashamed and sad. This company
| is a mess on so many levels.
| ? Here's the way out: MS should swallow real hard, ante up half of what
| they blew on Longwind, and buy an OS X license from Apple. That would be
| about $10B up-front, and a hefty royalty. MS would have to assume the
| burden of making it run on all the crapbox PCs out there, which have had
| all the quality squeezed out of them, due to MS's having sucked up the
| lion's share of the profit from all PCs for the last 20 years or so.
| The benefit is that MS could finally ship a securable OS, and the
| users wouldn't have to lose countless hours trying to work around
| the malware. Meanwhile, the only semi-competent part of the company,
| the Mac Business Unit, would take the lead in Apps development.
| ? Vista is a disaster. The "reset" you mention is nothing less than a
| FAILURE to SHIP. What you're working on now isn't Longhorn, it's SP4.
| Don't kid yourself. If you want to salvage your career, flee to Office,
| or better yet, get the heck out of the company before it all collapses.
| ? Ballmer is incompetent. The interview mentioned previously is
| terrible. Ballmer has presided over the fall of Microsoft. He sucks.
| When are internal folks going to stop falling for this mythological
| aristocracy? He and Bill are just weak men who aren?t in control.
| [...]

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