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Re: best PDA for sync with Linux?

__/ [ nmdc69@xxxxxxxxxxx ] on Friday 24 March 2006 19:41 \__

> Hi, I'm new to PDAs.
> I use Linux (Suse 10.0) as my main system and I need to buy a PDA that
> can sync easily with Linux, and that has builtin Wi-Fi.  I heard good
> things about the Palm TX.  A few questions:
> - does the TX really work well with Linux?

Yes. SuSE comes with KPilot pre-installed. KPilot has a wizard that should
take you /seconds/ to go through initially. You then synchronise the Palm
for the first time and off you go. KOrganiser, KMail, Kontact and the rest
of the suite may integrate very well too.

> - as an alternative to Palm, are there PPC PDAs that work well with
> Linux instead

See the following project, but I strongly discourage going in this direction:


  ( fairly new-yet-mature project )

> - what are the disadvantages of Palm OS  vs.  PPC ?

Let's not start another flame war. *smile* Please. Search the Web for endless
threads and plenty of articles.

> As a last resort, I would buy a PPC and sync it to a Windows machine.
> [Disclaimer: please spare me another Linux vs Windows battle, I'm a
> hard core scientific user in unix environment and I need Linux for my
> daily work.]

The Palm TX will be painless to work with under SuSE. I have been with Palm
for over 3 years and synchronisation with SuSE has been better than that
with Windows, which I used to work with on occasions.

Best wished and good luck,


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