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Re: Site not viewable in China

__/ [ Jannie B ] on Monday 27 March 2006 10:36 \__

> I have done a web site for a client who has clients worldwide, but
> apparently his colleagues in China are unable to look at the site because
> it has been barred.
> I don't know if is barred as part of a general policy of some sort, or
> whether there is something about the site which is causing it to be barred.
> Anyone else know anything about this?
> Site url is www.xenexassociates.com
> Thanks
> Jan

I can't see anything wrong with the (content of the) site. The only fishy
part is:

<meta name="keywords" content="Pest, pest control, Xenex, Rob Fryatt, Xenex
Associates, BPCA, pest management, control de plagas, rodent control, bird
control, insect control, termite control. CEPA, rats, mice, ants,
cockroaches, pidgeons   " />

I can provide a password-protected proxy if you like. You can give the people
who are blocked a password and they will be able to visit the site via the

Best wishes,


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