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Re: ajaxWrite Threatens Microsoft Word (Live)

__/ [ rapskat ] on Tuesday 28 March 2006 00:02 \__

> On Mon, 27 Mar 2006 15:41:03 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Bye Bye Microsoft Word, Hello ajaxWrite
>> http://www.michaelrobertson.com/archive.php?minute_id=206
>> This joins the various Office productivity applications (notably
>> OpenOffice) and Google's latest acquisition.
> This really is quite impressive and very fast over my cable connection.
> Works a treat too, I was able ot open an OpenOffice created Office .doc in
> seconds and it looks just like it would under OOo.
> The one MAJOR concern that I would have is that this information is going
> over public lines and is being hosted on a public server somewhere with
> no indication of encryption. I know most people aren't really concerned
> too much with security and privacy, but I sure am.

Bear in mind that data integrity woes (e.g. hard-drive physical faults) are
no longer an issue when you tinker with on-line filestores as such. The
GDrive was intended to achieve something similar and Google can perhaps use
their latest Writely acquisition alongside their storage and indexing

As to the latter point, think Google Desktop or even go further and imagine
Google implementing a query-based filesystem /a la/ WinFS, which will maybe
be implemented and deployed by MS some time before 2010 (60% of the code yet
to be re-written to become manageable).

> If there were some way to host this on my own local network, then it's
> something I would be willing to give my support to.

Such things are often possible. For instance, if you seek an Outlook
AJAX-type application, you can install it on your /own/ network. See ZIMBRA:


I urge you to have a go with the demo. For people like my mother, who know
very little about portability and backups, this is definitely the future
vocation. They just need greater exposure, which they already get.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Life is too short to proofread"
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