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Re: Denmark joins France in Apple/DRM-Bashing

__/ [ Rick ] on Tuesday 28 March 2006 12:15 \__

> On Tue, 28 Mar 2006 07:01:21 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ Tim Smith ] on Tuesday 28 March 2006 05:40 \__
>>> In article <e093im$5r2$2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>>>  Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> The controversy in France is partly over the fact that music gets
>>>> locked without the customer's awareness (DRM). Try to move your music
>>>> from an iPod to another vendor...
>>> (1) Put the music you want to move into a playlist.
>> Which playlist?
> Whichever playlist you want.

My point was that it would remain an application-specific playlist.

>> [rhetorical] What if I run Linux?
> <sarcasm> Get the Linux version </sarcasm>
> I wonder if you can burn from iTunes under VMware...

These things are far from trivial, especially for regular home users, whom
the article alludes to. Some of them might be using one of the
simplest-to-use operating systems: Ubuntu. I say this with full faith.

>>> (2) Invoke the command to burn the playlist to a CD.
>>> This burns a Red Book standard audio CD.  You can now deal with that CD
>>> just like you would deal with any other standard CD.
>> [hypothetical] I still depend on closed-source software to achieve this. I
>> still need a 'key' to opening my own, personal, paid-for music. That key
>> is not mine.
> True, but it is possible to remove the lock/key combo.

It still requires some knowledge, which the average user lacks and does not
wish to acquire and familiarise him/herself with. I have seen postgraduate
students to whom {CD burning}={Windows Media player drag-and-drop}, so trust
me, it will be daunting to some.

>> Take Palm for example.
> What does Palm have to do with DLed music DRM?

Data lockins analogy.

>> While it is said to be possible to export the data,
>> it requires Palm Desktop. I don't have a Windows box or a Mac box around,
>> so what gives? My data is locked unless I get some opaque binaries that
>> run on pricey operating systems. Else, my data locks me to the vendor. I
>> would love to dance over to other platforms painlessly, along with my
>> data.
> I use jpilot.

JPilot is fine, but here is another idea/rant (to compelement the one posted
to Tim):

Hypothetically (as I have no intention of making this happen), if Palm data
was stored as XML files, then one could write XSL to make it viewable as a
Web page and then copy the data during synchronisation to ~/public_html.
This would achieve what some commerical software already does, namely put
calendars on-line for others to watch (again, no intention of doing so). At
present, we are presented with an opaque file that combines binary with
ASCII. I happened to write about this before.


Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "I think I think, therefore I think I am"
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