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Re: CMS Recommendations

__/ [ Dylan Parry ] on Wednesday 29 March 2006 12:20 \__

> Okay, this isn't the first thread about CMS recommendations, and it
> won't be the last, but of course opinions change and not everyone is
> after the same thing ;)
> What I am looking for is a CMS that I can customise easily, and easy for
> completely non-technical users to use when it comes to authoring new
> pages and/or updating existing ones.
> I've looked at Joomla/Mambo but they seem to be very complicated, both
> from the POV of customising the design, and the control panel was pretty
> damn confusing too! I would prefer to have something simple that the
> people who will be using the site can log into and use easily rather
> than be presented with some pretty powerful, but strange control panel
> full of things that mean little to me and nothing to them :)
> Any suggestions?

You can use WordPress as a CMS rather than a blogging tool. Multi-user
management of content with roles; very intuitive interface; reliable;
predictable; under active development, which now benefits from a variety of
funding sources.


Hope it helps,


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