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Re: (News) The New Anti-Linux FUD Campaign

__/ [ Gordon ] on Friday 31 March 2006 21:09 \__

> Grug wrote:
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | Where do Unix shops who want to migrate go next? You'd think they go
>>> | for Linux. Or is it Windows? It depends who's asking.
>>> |
>>> | According Microsoft-commissioned research, contrary to what one might
>>> | see as a natural move over from Unix to Linux, more ex-Unix shops run
>>> | Windows than Linux.
>>> |
>>> | A survey, conducted by IDC on Microsoft's behalf, looked at 400
>>> | Unix shops, which were garnered at random from our sister title
>>> | Network World's subscriber list, according to one report.
>>> `----
>>> http://www.techworld.com/opsys/news/index.cfm?NewsID=5691&inkc=0
>> Well, considering that Linux and Windows both gained a lot of ground in
>> the server market, I'd say it's pretty close and that the difference is
>> not as much as the report claims.
>> The Windows Server and Tools division reported steep increases in its
>> revenue and profit year over year and also by quarter.  In other words,
>> they are doing great.
> Revenue is not the best method of comparison - for example, MS COULD have
> sold only one server costing US$ 3 billion..........and Linux companies
> COULD have sold 3 billion units at US$1 each - which one has the most
> market share?
> The only REAL test is numbers of units sold......
> --
> Gordon Burgess-Parker
> Interim Systems and Management Accounting
> www.gbpcomputing.co.uk

A recent unbiased study showed that only 1 in 3 servers sold runs Windows.
That's a fact. Revenue is another monster and there are people who believe
that 5 times more expensive must 5 times better.


Roy S. Schestowitz
http://Schestowitz.com  |    SuSE Linux    ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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