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Re: [News] Canada's Linux Discrimination

__/ [ Roy Schestowitz ] on Friday 05 May 2006 05:00 \__

> ,----[ Quuote ]
> | In 2006, Canadians can fill out their census forms online for the first
> | time -- but not if they use GNU/Linux, or are free software advocates
> | who prefer not to install a proprietary version of Java.
> `----

More which is related to the same topic:

US in open source backlash

,----[ Quote ]
| WCIT The US has fallen way behind other nations with regard to its embrace
| of open source technology, and the situation may only get worse. Open
| source coders face their grandest test to date as organizations place
| more and more scrutiny on the origins and value of FOSS (free and open
| source software) products.
| That's the word that came down today from an august panel here at the
| World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT). Some members of the
| panel reckoned that countries in Europe, Asia and South America have
| a greater appreciation for the open source lifestyle. Such a notiond
| oes not come as a surprise, although the tone of the attacks against
| the US did prove out of the ordinary.


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