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Re: (OT: KNode Filters)

__/ [ trevor ] on Friday 05 May 2006 09:19 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Sure  I  could. *smile* Are you requesting a killfile or do you need  some
>> help   with   the   fine-level  filter  controls?  The   kind   folks   at
>> news.software.readers  have  taught me a few lessons and equipped me  with
>> some valuable KNode tips in the past...
>> Best wishes,
>> Roy
> thanks. when i went searching on the net, many results found their way back
> to your site.
> ok, i had a single user ban (based on documentation) on a filter i created
> called killfile. then adding multiple names to the killfile became
> attractive, but i couldn't figure out if there was a valid separator with
> which to configure multiple parameters.

As you *did* imagine, it is rather hard to 'visalise' this based on a
verbal/textual description alone. Assuming I understand you correctly, you
have a button for "more" and "fewer" conditions. Make one grand rule and
then list the exceptions, e.g.:

rule/condition: If message-id contains "google"


rule/condition: If message-id not contains "john bloggs"

        THEN score=score-100;

> so i went back to documentation, wiped my original filter, created a new
> one with rules based on scoring. well, now all articles are assigned a -20,
> and every filter rule adjustment just adds negative score to all, so all
> are filtered. the result is that i've made a lot of positive posters in my
> life very negative and i hope there are no ill side effects.
> does that make any sense at all?

KNode filters and KNode as a whole are probably not most predictable. There
are a few known bugs, so don't exclude that as a possibility. That said, see
if a certain rule unintentionally affects something. Also bear in mine that
scores are cumulative and changing of the filters will not reverse and annul
existing scores. Handle with care. *smile*

> :)
> trevor

Best wishes,


PS(OT) - Are both SHIFT's and the CAPS Lock broken? It's just slightly
distracting, but some people seem to prefer that.

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Community is code, code is community
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