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Re: [News] Google Earth Coming to Linux

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> __/ [ M ] on Thursday 11 May 2006 19:39 \__
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> (He said this to me in an E-mail last year, but the interview confirms
>>> this)
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | Mad Penguin: Google is involved with OpenOffice.org and Mozilla. What
>>> | other open source project are they part of or have people working on?
>>> | 
>>> | Chris DiBona: Well you know we've got a bunch of kernel folks, we've
>>> | got folks all over Apache, we are very heavily represented in
>>> | Subversion, and we've given donations to a great variety of groups and
>>> | we are members of a number of others. Kinda endless right now.
>>> | 
>>> | MP: You mentioned Google Earth is going to be ported to Linux. Is that
>>> | going to be running with Winelib?
>>> | 
>>> | CD: We said that at the end of last year. No, that's a native port.
>>> | The original version uses Qt with OpenGL.
>>> | 
>>> | [...]
>>> | 
>>> | MP: What percentage of the desktops at Google are running Linux
>>> | versus Windows?
>>> | 
>>> | CD: Probably way more than half. I don't know the exact ratios
>>> | though. All the developers use it and most of the engineers and
>>> | sysadmins.
>>> `----
>>> http://madpenguin.org/cms/index.php/?m=show&id=6850&page=2
>> Would be interesting to know if it was the original developers of Google
>> Earth who are doing the porting, or if they are using Linux developers
>> from other parts of the Google empire.
> The  initial implementation was kind courtesy of Keyhole, whom Google have
> acquired.  If  Google  do  not do the ports themselves  (they  port  other
> projects  as well), rests assured that they pay some software house to  do
> it.  Something  tells  me  that they may have had  some  involvement  from
> outside  for the porting of Picasa. The port uses some Wine technology,  I
> believe,  so there is your expected reliance on the Open Source community.
> From  a previous post (in COLA) from one of the Wine developers, it  seems
> evident that Google Summer of Code pays for further extension of Wine.

Interesting, cheers Roy.

I have seem web sites of companies that specialise in porting software from
Windows to Linux, can't remember if that was a result of someone posting
something in COLA. 



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