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Re: The Naked Truth About "Naked PCs"

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
__/ [ chrisv ] on Friday 19 May 2006 13:27 \__

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

I would _love_ to see the day when _everyone_ just picks up a so-called
'naked PC' and then turns over to the shelf, which is filled with Linux
distributions which suit different people/businesses. The buyer will then
point at a particlar box to the seller and say "I want this one".

What I'd love to see are things like motherboards with "Ubuntu approved" stickers and such on them, much like today they have "anandtech" or "tomshardware" stickers.


It's just a GIMP mockup though. *frown*

it's that gorgeous little subnote again...!
I've recently come into possesion of an L400 (did I mention that before?), and just yesterday I found a new panel for my C400, so I'm back up to two!! :D

When all else fails...
Use a hammer.


Some people are like Slinkies
They serve no particular purpose
But they bring a smile to your face
When you push them down the stairs.

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