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Re: The Naked Truth About "Naked PCs"

__/ [ chrisv ] on Friday 19 May 2006 16:00 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>__/ [ chrisv ] on Friday 19 May 2006 13:27 \__
>>> What I'd love to see are things like motherboards with "Ubuntu
>>> approved" stickers and such on them, much like today they have
>>> "anandtech" or "tomshardware" stickers.
>>It's just a GIMP mockup though. *frown*
> I like the Tux key in place of the Windows key.   8)

To tell you a little secret, it used to be just the sticker. Once I had
posted the link for you to see I thought "hmmmm... what's that Windows logo
still doing there?". So, I carried on editing. Key modifier is what you
might call this. Sloppily changed the name of the model too (it's a matter
of investing time for more refined results). "Latitude" became "Linuxtude",
as in "Linux attitude".

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "These characters were randomly picked"
http://Schestowitz.com  |     GNU/Linux     ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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