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Re: OS X not slow on R

__/ [ Tim Smith ] on Thursday 18 May 2006 08:31 \__

Hi Tim,

> In article <1536843.OVe5KVMXfc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> As it later turns out, Tim calls this benchmark "worthless" -- the same
>> benchmark he point out for vanity purposes. Weak effort if you ask me...
> So let me see if I understand this.  *You* start a thread titled "Linux
> Puts
> Mac OS X to Shame", citing this benchmark.  *You* are the first person in
> this group to mention that benchmark.

Yes, but I didn't truly believe its figures and conclusions to be unanimous.
Benchmarks can easily be slanted, especially when an hypothesis exists. Was
it "vanity"? Yes, probably/ Is Get the Facts Campaign vanity? No, it's a lie
which was attained by using bad experimentation to begin with. It was funded
to reach at a certain conslusion artificially, generating organic figures.

> Nearly two weeks later, after people have had a chance to analyze what is
> going on, I post a link to an article showing what was wrong with that
> benchmark.  How is that "vanity purposes"?

Right. I'd rephrase if I could. *smile*

> Also, the way you've phrased this, you seem to be saying that I've done
> some
> kind of about face between my two posts in this thread.  How the heck did
> you come to that conclusion?

My bad. The phrasing was poor.


Roy S. Schestowitz
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