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Re: A GNOME versus KDE Debate Revived

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> Taking a Linus-like Attitude Towards Gnome
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | ...For those of you who may have missed his original post the high
> | point follows:
> |
> |       This "users are idiots, and are confused by functionality? mentality
> |       of Gnome is a disease. If you think your users are idiots, only idiots
> |       will use it. I don?t use Gnome, because in striving to be simple, it
> |       has long since reached the point where it simply doesn't do what I need
> |       it to do. Please, just tell people to use KDE.
> |
> | As the thread went on Linus became even more colorful in his criticism,
> | calling the Gnome developers "interface Nazis" and citing examples of how
> | Gnome's UI makes it take longer to do things.
> `----
> http://www.oreillynet.com/linux/blog/2006/05/taking_a_linuslike_attitude_to.html?CMP=OTC-0O724Z062301&ATT=Taking+a+Linus-like+Attitude+Towards+Gnome

I work on terminal / command prompt more than GUI. GNOME/KDE debate
really makes no sense to me. Whenever I want GUI, I use a lightweight
desktop; or switch to either GNOME or KDE as mood goes.

Chirag Shukla.

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