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[News] The Effect of Linux on Waste Reduction...?

Computer shipments plunge 25% in October

,----[ Quote ]
| Shipments for U.S.-made personal computers and related equipment
| plunged nearly 25% in October to the lowest level in at least 14
| years, suggesting that the delay in Microsoft Corp.'s new PC
| operating system is crimping hardware sales for Dell Inc.,
| Hewlett-Packard Co. and others.


The analysts have not considered anothe rfactor: people's switch to Linux (or
dual-boot), which reduces waste.


How Windows XP Wasted $25 Billion of Energy

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has been touting Vista's new power saving features,
| saying that upgrading to Vista could easily save consumers and
| corporations $50 to $75 per computer per year in energy costs.
| The question, though, is what marvelous new code makes this miracle
| possible. The answer? They fixed three stupid mistakes that have
| cost the world billions of dollars and millions of tons of CO2 in
| the past five years.


Computers in schools are an environmental time-bomb

,----[ Quote ]
| The solution, according to Sirius Corporation, is a move away from the
| ECTA frameworks to leaner hardware and 'virtualised' network services.
| Traditional 'fat-client' workstations should be replaced by low-power
| 'thin-client' terminals. With flat screens and server consolidation
| power consumption could be reduced even further.
| [...]
| Hardware requirements to run Windows Vista means these consumption
| figures will rise even futher. Schools are using computers as room
| heaters which then need to be cooled using expensive air conditioning
| and Modern thin-client networks could reverse this trend and are
| available from the Open Source community and vendors of proprietary
| software today.


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