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Re: [News] British Government Sabotages Open Source in Schools?

begin  oe_protect.scr 
High Plains Thumper <hpt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> Roy Schestowitz wrote: 
>> MPs criticise government roadblocks to Open Source adoption
>> in schools 
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| UK Members of Parliament have identified Department of
>>| Education and Skills (DfES) and Becta policies as
>>| favouring proprietary software vendors thereby blocking
>>| the adoption of Open Source software by schools and
>>| colleges. An Early Day Motion tabled by Liberal Democrat
>>| MP John Pugh, has called for a fair approach to ICT
>>| procurement in the education sector.
>> `----
>> http://sourcewire.com/releases/rel_display.php?relid=28349&h
>> ilite= 
>> Some folks at the Manchester Linux Users Group have taken
>> action to the Parliament a couple of days ago (related to
>> the above, according to the mailing list). Open Source (and
>> Linux) will come to schools sooner or later. It already
>> prevails in some local schools and it proves to be rather 
>> successful.
> I find this quote of interest:
>| Mark Taylor, OSC President added: ?Schools and colleges
>| must keep pace with the adoption of Open Source software in
>| industry or limit the employability of their graduates.?
> I am surprised by their proprietary procurement model and it 
> is good that the PM pointed this out.

School funding in the UK is very complex and variable.  Of all the state
schools (not the public schools which are privately funded), they can be
funded directly from national government with a delegated budget, can be
funded by a local-authority run budget, or can be funded from a
delegated local authority budget.  My school is the latter.  The result
is that we have complete freedom with respect to what facilities to
adopt, thus, we're pushing hard down the open-source road, the reason
being the economics.  Our budget is limited, and we wish to make the
very best of it.

> BTW, is there any relationship between DfES and DFS?   :-)

Haha - rather doubt it!

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk  |
What will you do if all your problems aren't solved by the time you die?

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