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Re: [News] Interview with ReactOS (Open Source Windows Clone) Principal Kernel Dev

begin  oe_protect.scr 
Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> ReactOS Interviews - Alex Ionescu
> ,----[ Snippet ]
>| I think once those components work, and with Wine's libraries that seem
>| to be pretty well done since they can run a lot of applications under
>| Linux, it'll be up to GUI subsystem (win32k.sys) to support
>| user-mode applications.
> `----
> http://www.reactos.org/en/interview_2.html

An interesting read, but I would say that Mr Ionescu is very much a
Windows/Microsoft man.

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk  |
What will you do if all your problems aren't solved by the time you die?

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