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[News] Windows Advocate: Vista Piracy Control Will Help GNU/Linux Flourish

A Vista kill switch would be good for Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| There seems to be a lot of talk about a potential kill switch in
| Windows Vista, but that would be very good news for Linux and open
| source adoption in most of the world and perhaps even college campuses. 
| The tighter the anti-piracy controls on Microsoft software is, the wider
| the adoption of Linux.
| [...]
| Microsoft has more or less always turned a blind eye towards individuals
| who use pirated Microsoft software though they'll implement a few hurdles
| to using it such as the lack of updates and patches or they'll turn off
| Aero functionality in Windows Vista.  Is it possible Microsoft could
| suddenly harden their stance on unauthorized copies of Microsoft
| software?  It certainly is, but it would be a great boon to Linux
| and Open Source.


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