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[News] One More Love/Hate Attack/Befriend Inner Conflict

BEA chief's misguided missives on open source

,----[ Quote ]
| You could hear Rob Levy's teeth chattering all the way from
| Bangalore. The CTO of BEA Systems must be scared out of his
| wits. How else to explain the mishmash of half-truths and
| misleading facts he told the IDG News Service during a tour
| of BEA's India-based R&D facility recently?
| [...]
| Levy's comments about Apache Tomcat are particularly
| telling. He says the open source project is "not
| strong on management". To make up for the failure
| of the Tomcat community to provide a management
| console, Levy explains, BEA has thoughtfully
| delivered one of its own. But while BEA's
| customers doubtless appreciate this display of
| largesse, Levy's implication -- that only BEA
| could have done so -- is disingenuous.


If you can't beat them (Linux and Open Source), join
them. But where is the _turning point_?

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