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Re: Harvard Business School researchers say linux will never beat MS!!! Well, actually they don't say that, but the truth makes poor trolling material

  • Subject: Re: Harvard Business School researchers say linux will never beat MS!!! Well, actually they don't say that, but the truth makes poor trolling material
  • From: Peter Kai Jensen <usenet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: 10 Sep 2006 19:25:32 GMT
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: TDC Totalloesninger
  • References: <1157911440.890582.228800@i3g2000cwc.googlegroups.com>
  • User-agent: slrn/ (Linux)
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1152692
Hash: SHA1

Karen Hill wrote:

> Because MS has the first move advantage, HBS says Linux will never be
> number one!
> http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/4834.html

I think you'll find that your subject line and post is incorrect, if you
actually read the whole thing.  Despite a few places where I notice that
they didn't seem to fully grasp the cultural differences (e.g. OSS users
are *much* more likely to contribute feedback than CSS users), it looks
like they probably aren't far off the mark.  In particular, they point
out that Linux basically can't be killed with any viable strategy.
Also, Microsoft will only maintain their dominance in the long run if
they significantly lower prices and don't do more against piracy.  Even
then, factors outside their control (like governments switching to
Linux) are likely to diminish Microsoft's market share in the future.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.1 (GNU/Linux)

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