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Re: Google default for IE7 ??

__/ [ John Bailo ] on Wednesday 06 September 2006 03:20 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ John Bailo ] on Wednesday 06 September 2006 03:15 \__
>>>Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>__/ [ John Bailo ] on Tuesday 05 September 2006 17:22 \__
>>>>>I've been running IE7RC1 since last week and finally got around to doing
>>>>>some heavier browsing with it.
>>>>>One thing I noticed is that they have a little "search box" in the upper
>>>>>right ala Firefox.   And the default (and only option out of the box) is
>>>>Speculations (devil's advocate)
>>>>* Test revisions can differ from the final product that gets the
>>>>90th-minute tweak. This prevents antitrust lawsuits. When it's out on the
>>>>shelves without Google, MS will say "oops" and shy away. They appear to
>>>>be doing this with hardcoded links to Live services (only a couple of
>>>>weeks ago).
>>>>* If users get MSN's horrible SE (Live search was recently buried...
>>>>buried aLive, that is), they will defect to other browsers (which
>>>>ironically require downloading /USING/ IE7), It's like selling burgers to
>>>>a hungrey person and having a long entry aisle with candy on each side of
>>>>the aisle.
>>>And once again, one may ask /why/?
>>>In what way, has Firefox done any damage to any paid Microsoft product?
>>>   None!  Not one dime has been extracted from the M$ revenue stream due
>>>to Firefox.   Zilch.  Not one thin dime.   Nossir.  Not a nickel.  Yea,
>>>a farthing.
>> Bull. For starters, many users were no longer channelled to the MSN
>> portal. That's just for starters. With applications, people can be
>> controlled. Without competing applications, competition is outmuscled.
>> Mozilla has a lot of spending money to continue to develop and expand. It
>> earned a lot of that money from Google.
>>>They haven't even gone Netscape and tried to make the Browser=The Desktop!
>> I should point out that the "Bull" was a friendly one. *smile*
> No problem...you're answers justified your insolence as they are
> correct.   I forgot that the browser is the portal to so many paid
> services.
> I guess you would say though, rather than Firefox /cutting/ into M$
> revenue, it prevented them from erecting a new tollbooth.

Don't forget that IE developers are requested by management to corrupt Web
standards so that people will be forced to use IE to enter the Web (i.e.
buy-bye Open Source). With diversity in the market, Microsoft is unable to
do so. Still, an IE7 developer called the management "unethical shitheads"
and said that IE7 is /still/ standards-incompatible, because of them.
Microsoft is a bully. Never ever give it the benefit of the doubt. History
says you must not.

Best wishes,


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