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Re: [News Digest] 01/09/06 24 hrs

__/ [ Mark Kent ] on Tuesday 05 September 2006 17:21 \__

> begin  oe_protect.scr
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> __/ [ Mark Kent ] on Tuesday 05 September 2006 09:03 \__
>>> begin  oe_protect.scr
>>> Roy Culley <rgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>> begin  risky.vbs
>>>> <8nsns3-o4l.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>>>> Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>>>> For those who don't comprehend what a digest is or does, it can only
>>>>> be made /after/ the postings have appeared, not before...  anyway,
>>>>> here we go - again, all feedback welcome.
>>>> I don't like digests. Never have and never will. Still, with my
>>>> newsreader, it is simple to kill them and any followups to them.
>>> I'll be honest, I'm not a huge fan of them myself, but it does provide a
>>> handy summary, I suppose.
>>>> I feel that in this case it is giving in to the wintrolls a bit even
>>>> though Roy, thankfully, will continue to post his News articles
>>>> anyway.
>>>> Just my thoughts Mark.
>>> Fair enough - thanks for taking the time.
>> HQ said he likes it. He plays reverse psychology. If they hate, it's good.
>> Thus, if they argue they like it, it would be perceived as bad. They try
>> to give you the illusion that you give them a service, a pleasure.
> If he likes it, that's fine by me.  If he doesn't, it's also fine.  I
> don't think he'd really considered the implications when he first asked
> for it...

Oops. I forgot to add something indicative of sarcasm. It was perhaps
long-winded or vague, so the sarcasm was badly placed.

>> At the same time, they try to eliminate what upsets them more: a multitude
>> of threads with distinct subject lines (page titles). These change the
>> 'flavour' of COLA's archives, which are accessed by curious Web
>> (re)searchers. And as long as Google serves as the gateway to information,
>> Microsoft is shivering in its boots.
> Oh no, that's not going away, we need that very much.

I only wish they stopped selling 'linux' SERP's to Microsoft. Too many people
are channelled to the anti-Linux crusade because Microsoft pays Google.

>> Just my opinion...
> At least it's on topic :-)

Best wishes,


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