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Re: [News] Game Developer Explains the Benefits of GNU/Linux Ports

On 2006-09-03, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Inteview with Croteam's Vedran Skrnjug
>| From the programmer's point of view; with each port you make, the code
>| base becomes more stable and flexible. Source code itself tends to get
>| better and more precisely commented or even refactored if required.

 And the best thing is to develop from the start for multiple platforms.
Forces good coding and finds lots of bugs that otherwise don't tend to
show up in typical testing.


 Ray Ingles                                         (313) 227-2317

 "Choice, flexibility and cost are really the driving factors [for
 Linux adoption]. And Microsoft would have to stop being Microsoft
          to ever compete with that combination." - emkey

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