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Re: New or old G behavior?

__/ [ tonnie ] on Sunday 03 September 2006 14:41 \__

> Roy Schestowitz schreef:
>> __/ [ tonnie ] on Saturday 02 September 2006 20:47 \__
>>> Borek schreef:
>>>> Search for ciprofloxacin - see refine results links?
>>> He, nice one Borek. Never seen it before. Seems like a next step in
>>> refining results / offering alternatives.
>> I was going to reply in the same way. Never seen this before.
>>> We already did have the 'split pages' where some suggestions were made
>>> for an alternative. What will be next?
>> There are corrections/suggestions for typos, but that's nothing new.
>> ...Also stocks for NYSE symbols, answers to common questions (e.g. about
>> population size) and various measurements. Basically, it's all referral to
>> other services or addon features that were laid on top of the SE. It's
>> extension through integration, which kills many startups.
> No, that's not what i meant, those i have seen and they are there for
> quite some time now.
> What i meant was Google splitting the SERPS by placing a suggestion
> right in the middle of them:
> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=lifestyle&btnG=Google+Search

Yes, I know. *smile* This was discussed in AISE has soon as it had emerged.

> And this one has a realy nice explanation of what 'lifestyle' could mean
> according to Google. :-D

I haven't looked, but one could say that ads are becoming synonymous with
Google('s lifestyle).

>>> But wait, wasn't that part of the software they bought early this year.
>>> Wait, have to look...
>>> Yepp its part of Ori Allon's sofware.
>> I remember their snatching of some research student who attended a
>> University in Australia.
>>> Now i need a link ...
>>> http://blogs.zdnet.com/Google/?p=157
>> Haven't looked, but there's another example of /buying/ ideas rather than
>> developing them in-house.
> Hm, oke, they do have bought a lot of idea's.
> But over here in Holland we have a nice saying:
> 'waarom het wiel opnieuw uitvinden?'
> Why try to reinvent the wheel?

Precisely. Which is why I advocate (Free) Open Source. Google uses Python and
GNU/Linux all the way. It's all FOSS and GPL'd. Why can't they share all of
their work? Oh, let me guess. Someone could catch up and it's not good for
the investors. If Mozilla can manage, so can Google. This itch led to a blog
item. *smile*


I still don't think that code.google.com is enough. Still, with ports of
desktop applications, these remain proprietary. Coogle could go beyond
Summer of Code. Way beyond. But the mantra Do No Evil does not intersect
with the 3 Freedoms (definitely not the third). In their defense, one main
rival has a recent history of 'stealing' OSS for self benefit, without
contributing. This includes use of competitors' code.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | "Quote when replying in non-real-time dialogues"
http://Schestowitz.com  |  GNU is Not UNIX  |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
roy      pts/4                         Sun Sep  3 14:13 - 14:21  (00:07)    
      http://iuron.com - proposing a non-profit search engine

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